Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Research and Planning

Pretty little Liars

This scene starts off with an extreme close-up which represents a dead women being dulled up by the protagonists. They show her eyes and we can see the makeup on her eyes which shows her beauty. The viewer can see that the character has no movement at the beginning which suggests there’s something wrong before they show her body. There is then a close up which shows the makeup on her lips being added on, along with this you can see how pale her skin is in contrast to the to the lipstick, they colour of the lipstick is a red. The colour red connotes love, evil and death which foreshadows what happens a few seconds later in the sequence when they show the protagonists standing over her coffin. In addition, there is another close up of her feet which show that someone is tying her buckles around her ankles, which creates an enigma code as the audience don’t know for sure she is dead at this point so there wondering why someone else is tying the buckle round her ankle. Also another close up shot when someone is curling her hair and applying nail polish to her nails. In this short amount of time, there are lots of close ups used in this sequence which is good because they want the viewer to see the detail of what they are specifically trying to emphasise in the case it is her beauty.

The props used in this is a coffin towards the end of the sequence which confirms the women at the beginning is dead, as we did not see her whole face only close up of parts we do not know exactly what she looks like so there could be a mystery in this as we do not know it is her in the coffin. In addition, the other props used in this are the nail polish, mascara and hair curler which suggest this is a young teenage girl’s programme.

The sound in this sequence is digetic sound which the characters emotions which allows the viewer to see how the character is feeling. There is a violin being played as the shots are going this is throughout the sequence, it is being played at a fast pace which creates suspense in the scene especially as they show a dead body it makes the viewer feel tense

Pretty Little Liars is an American teen drama which has a mystery/thriller genre, the main target audience this programme is aimed at is young teenage girls as it has 4 young protagonists. This is for young teenage girls to relate to with their own feelings and their fantasy world all in one.

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